Share Data with Others

The Tapis CLI makes it possible to share data with other users on the same tenant. Use your best judgement in deciding whether to copy shared data or link against shared data with the understanding that storage space is limited. The guide below demonstrates how to modify permissions on a given data set to share it in place without copying.

Find Another User

To share files with another user on the same tenant, you must first know their username. The Tapis CLI has a set of tools that can be used to find other users. View your own user profile by issuing:

$ tapis profiles show self
| Field        | Value              |
| first_name   | Tacc               |
| last_name    | User               |
| email        | |
| mobile_phone |                    |
| phone        |                    |
| username     | taccuser           |

Each of the fields stored in the user profile is queryable using the tapis profiles search command. Some more common examples include:

# Search for another user by first name
$ tapis profiles search --first-name eq John

# Search for another user by last name
$ tapis profiles search --last-name eq Doe

# Search for another user by email address
$ tapis profiles search --email eq

Once you have identified the correct username, you can query it to make sure it is the person you are looking for:

$ tapis profiles show jdoe
| Field        | Value           |
| first_name   | John            |
| last_name    | Doe             |
| email        | |
| mobile_phone |                 |
| phone        |                 |
| username     | jdoe            |

Share Files with Another User

File permissions are managed similar to Unix file permissions. To list the permissions on an existing file on one of your storage systems, issue:

To add permissions for another user (with username jdoe) to read the file, use the tapis files pems grant with the following positional arguments:


Recursive permission changes are not yet implemented

Now, a user with username jdoe has permissions to read the file. Valid values for setting permission are ALL, READ, WRITE, READ_WRITE, EXECUTE, READ_EXECUTE, WRITE_EXECUTE, and NONE. However, before jdoe can access the file, they also need permissions on the private storage system. To see who has access to your storage system, perform:

$ tapis systems roles list
| username | role  |
| taccuser | OWNER |

To add your collaborator to your system use:

$ tapis systems roles grant jdoe GUEST
| Field    | Value   |
| username | jdoe    |
| role     | GUEST   |

$ tapis systems roles list
| username | role  |
| taccuser | OWNER |
| jdoe     | GUEST |

Now, a user with username jdoe can see files with the appropriate permissions on your storage system. Valid values for setting a role include GUEST, USER, PUBLISHER, ADMIN, and OWNER.

Finally, ask your collaborator to download the file with the exact same command you use to download the file:

$ tapis files download agave://

Revoke Permissions

If you want to revoke permissions, make sure to revoke permissions both on the shared file as well as the storage system:

# Revoke permissions on the shared file
$ tapis files pems revoke agave:// jdoe

# Revoke permissions on the private storage system
$ tapis systems roles revoke jdoe

You can also blanket revoke permissions from all non-owner users:

# Revoke permissions on the shared file for all users
$ tapis files pems drop agave://

# Revoke permissions on the private storage system for all users
$ tapis systems roles drop

Share Files Using Postits

Another convenient way to share data is the Tapis postits service. Postits generate a short URL with a user-specified lifetime and limited number of uses. Anyone with the URL can paste it into a web browser, or curl against it on the command line. To create a postit:

$ tapis postits create -L 3600 -m 5 agave://
| Field         | Value                                                                                           |
| postit        | a88eed9c3bb7ae9f8dca6a8c1cc8c25f                                                                |
| remainingUses | 5                                                                                               |
| expires       | 2020-05-12T09:21:32-05:00                                                                       |
| url           | |
| creator       | taccuser                                                                                        |
| created       | 2020-05-12T08:21:32-05:00                                                                       |
| noauth        | False                                                                                           |
| method        | GET                                                                                             |
| postit_url    |                        |

The response from this command includes a URL which can be pasted into a web browser or curled on the command line:

This postit will work for 5 downloads (-m 5) and only available for one hour (3600 seconds, -L 3600). The creator of the postit can list and delete their postits with the following commands:

$ tapis postits list
| postit                           | remainingUses | expires                   | url                                                                                             |
| a88eed9c3bb7ae9f8dca6a8c1cc8c25f |             4 | 2020-05-12T09:21:32-05:00 | |

$ tapis postits delete a88eed9c3bb7ae9f8dca6a8c1cc8c25f