Find an Application

Each Tapis tenant has its own set of public applications (“apps” for short) that are available for tenant-authenticated users to run. Public apps are also tied to public execution systems.

List Available Applications

The tapis apps list command can be used to list all apps available to you. The tenant has the following apps available:

$ tapis apps list
| id                                | label            |
|     | Image Classifier |
|     | Image Classifier |
|     | Image Classifier |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u3                  | Autodock Vina    |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u2                  | Autodock Vina    |
| vina-ls5-1.1.2u1                  | Autodock Vina    |
| opensees-2.4.4-slurm- | OpenSees         |
| opensees-fork-        | OpenSees         |
| opensees-             | OpenSees         |
| opensees-fork-        | OpenSees         |
| vina-lonestar-1.1.2u4             | Autodock Vina    |
| vina-lonestar-1.1.2u3             | Autodock Vina    |
| vina-lonestar-1.1.2u2             | Autodock Vina    |
| pdb2pdbqt-1.00u1                  | pdb2pdbqt        |

Public apps will have a revision tag at the end (u1, u2, u3 etc.). The higher the number, the newer the revision.

Search for Applications by Name

Use tapis apps search to search for apps on a number of different criteria. Some common searches might include:

# Search for an app by part of its name
$ tapis apps search --name like imageclassify

# Search for apps that you own
$ tapis apps search --owner eq taccuser

# Search for apps that you don't own (public or shared with you)
$ tapis apps search --owner neq taccuser

Display Application Information

Many applications you will find in the catalog can be used in multiple ways. It is up to the developer of an app to decide which function(s) of the particular tool the app will perform, as well as what are the expected inputs, parameters, and outputs. To see the description of an app use:

$ tapis apps show
| Field                    | Value                                                            |
| id                       |                                    |
| name                     |                                          |
| version                  | 1.0                                                              |
| revision                 | 3                                                                |
| label                    | Image Classifier                                                 |
| lastModified             | 6 months ago                                                     |
| shortDescription         | Classify an image using a small ImageNet model                   |
| longDescription          |                                                                  |
| owner                    | cicsvc                                                           |
| isPublic                 | True                                                             |
| executionType            | CLI                                                              |
| executionSystem          | tapis.execution.system                                           |
| deploymentSystem         |                                                  |
| available                | True                                                             |
| parallelism              | SERIAL                                                           |
| defaultProcessorsPerNode | 1                                                                |
| defaultMemoryPerNode     | 1                                                                |
| defaultNodeCount         | 1                                                                |
| defaultMaxRunTime        | None                                                             |
| defaultQueue             | None                                                             |
| helpURI                  |                                                                  |
| deploymentPath           | /home/docking/api/v2/prod/apps/ |
| templatePath             |                                                       |
| testPath                 | test/                                                     |
| checkpointable           | False                                                            |
| uuid                     | 3162334876895875561-242ac119-0001-005                            |
| icon                     | None                                                             |

The output of this command is a table-formatted description of the app including select metadata. To see all of the app details including inputs, parameters, and outputs, use the -f json flag to show json format:

$ tapis apps show -f json
  "id": "",
  "name": "",
  "version": "1.0",
  "revision": 3,
  "label": "Image Classifier",
  "lastModified": "6 months ago",
  "shortDescription": "Classify an image using a small ImageNet model",
  "longDescription": "",
  "owner": "cicsvc",
  "isPublic": true,
  "executionType": "CLI",
  "executionSystem": "tapis.execution.system",
  "deploymentSystem": "",
  "available": true,
  "parallelism": "SERIAL",
  "defaultProcessorsPerNode": 1,
  "defaultMemoryPerNode": 1,
  "defaultNodeCount": 1,
  "defaultMaxRunTime": null,
  "defaultQueue": null,
  "tags": [
  "ontology": [],
  "helpURI": "",
  "deploymentPath": "/home/docking/api/v2/prod/apps/",
  "templatePath": "",
  "testPath": "test/",
  "checkpointable": false,
  "modules": [
    "load tacc-singularity/2.6.0"
  "inputs": [],
  "parameters": [
      "id": "imagefile",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "order": 0,
        "enquote": false,
        "default": "",
        "validator": null
      "details": {
        "label": "Image to classify",
        "description": "",
        "argument": "--image_file ",
        "showArgument": true,
        "repeatArgument": false
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": [
      "id": "predictions",
      "value": {
        "visible": true,
        "required": true,
        "type": "number",
        "order": 0,
        "enquote": false,
        "default": 5,
        "validator": null
      "details": {
        "label": "Number of predictions to return",
        "description": null,
        "argument": "--num_top_predictions ",
        "showArgument": true,
        "repeatArgument": false
      "semantics": {
        "minCardinality": 1,
        "maxCardinality": 1,
        "ontology": []
  "outputs": [],
  "uuid": "3162334876895875561-242ac119-0001-005",
  "icon": null,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "executionSystem": {
      "href": ""
    "storageSystem": {
      "href": ""
    "history": {
      "href": ""
    "metadata": {
      "href": ""
    "owner": {
      "href": ""
    "permissions": {
      "href": ""

Important Application Sections

Metadata: The metadata of the app json includes information about the app availability, runtime resources required, description, and much more. Some key information in the metadata section includes the identity of the HPC system (executionSystem) on which the app runs. In the above case, it is tapis.execution.system. Also, the shortDescription of the above app suggests that the function is to classify an image using a small ImageNet model.

Inputs: The above app does not contain any inputs. This section is used to describe required data and/or folders for running the app. Any files or folders specified in the inputs section will be staged to the execution system prior to running.

Parameters: This section describes important information, typically command line options, for running the app. The above app requires two parameters - a URL pointing to an image for the classifier, and the number of predictions that it should return.

Outputs: The above app does not define any outputs. This section may be used to specify expected output file or folder names, counts, and ontologies. While this feature is still under development, it can be used to aid in chaining apps together by providing the output of an app as input into a different app.

More information on each of these sections and understanding Tapis apps can be found in the Tapis Documentation.